Mohammad Amir When you are 16 or 17, you think you are right about everything. But when you are over 20, you realise the mistakes you made at 16 or 18. You learn with age. – Mohammad Amir Age Quotes Learn Quotes Mistakes Quotes Realise Quotes The main thing for a bowler is his wrist position, and that, as I’ve said before, is something I’m working on. I hate when a batsman plays a pull shot off my bowling.
Arundhati BhattacharyaCommunication If you are approachable, if you keep your line of communication open, then very often, you get to hear what you need to hear. – Arundhati Bhattacharya
Scott BakulaSports I’m a runner from sports. I’ve been a runner, but I wasn’t a cross-country runner or anything like that. I played a lot of soccer growing up. – Scott Bakula
Henry Hampton If you’re black in America, race is a factor in your life. Start with that assumption. – Henry Hampton
Scott Storch I would always be going from L.A. to Miami to New York, to Russia, St-Tropez. Costs about $50,000 for a domestic flight, $250,000 for overseas. Yeah, that’s an expensive habit. – Scott Storch
Scooter Braun I want to build an asset-driven business, and I want to make my clients a part of everything I’m doing. Go into the branding business, consumer products, food, apparel. We need to expand in those places. – Scooter Braun
Rza I tell my sons, I say, if you’re going somewhere, you don’t have to wear a hoodie – we live in New York, so a hoodie and all that is all good. But sometimes, you know, button up your shirt. Clean up. – Rza
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