Dan Amboyer When you do a show eight times a week, you are constantly living in the same world for that whole time, but when you have such drastically different characters and circumstances, you have to find a way to take a moment to reconnect. – Dan Amboyer Characters Quotes Circumstances Quotes Constantly Quotes Drastically Quotes Living Quotes Moment Quotes Reconnect Quotes Time Quotes Times Quotes Week Quotes I’m from Detroit, so not exactly Buckingham Palace. When you’re the guy inside of a character and you’ve lived with it for almost two years, you’re always a bit defensive about the character, and you want to root for the character you’re playing.
Paula Cole I’ve left Bethlehem, and I feel free. I’ve left the girl I was supposed to be, and some day I’ll be born. – Paula Cole
Joe Slovo We believe the currently one cannot speak of a revolutionary situation, just as there is no concrete possibilities of an immediate and comprehensive assumption of power by the people. – Joe Slovo
Petra Nemcova I think all women want to feel sexy and confident yet comfortable at the same time in what they wear. – Petra Nemcova
Quinton Jackson In America, you’ve got a lot of fair-weather fans, who be cheering for you hard and as soon as you lose a fight, you’re a bum and then they come at you on social media and they give you a lot of slack. – Quinton Jackson
EducationSmriti Irani If you teach a girl, you are not just imparting education to a woman but to a family that will later help in nation building. – Smriti Irani
Don Felder For every album we worked on, I brought in reels of tape of somewhere between fourteen and eighteen songs – some of them completed, with lyrics and melodies, some of them basic tracks. Things came out of those products. Like, for ‘Hotel California’, I think I had a reel with sixteen songs on it. – Don Felder
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