Alexander Gustafsson When you fight in the UFC and train with the guys that I train with, you learn that there is always still a lot of work to do. – Alexander Gustafsson Fight Quotes Guys Quotes Learn Quotes Lot Quotes Train Quotes Ufc Quotes The main thing I learned in San Diego was I can’t do this and compete with the best guys in the world if I’m just doing MMA as a hobby. It has to be my job. There are so many things that could happen and will happen that are out of my control.
Katie Leclerc My junior year, I was in a play at school and five days before opening night, I still didn’t know my lines. Opening night was a disaster. I was so embarrassed. The director made me work backstage for the rest of the performance. – Katie Leclerc
Fred DurstPoetry You know, in my music career there was a moment where the irony was just so heavy. There were people in my audience that were the reason I developed neuroses. These people that tortured my life were using my art, my poetry, as fuel for them, to torture other people. – Fred Durst
Robert Del Naja I was looking at the work of the New York street artists and then discovering Basquiat and Haring after that and seeing how the contemporary art scene was, and then going back into Warhol and all that was happening in the 60s. – Robert Del Naja
George Santos To my constituents, I remain committed to serving the district, and delivering results for both New York’s Third Congressional District and for the American people. – George Santos
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