Stephen Hendry When you get a trophy, why go jumping and crying? Winning’s a great feeling, but everything else is an anti-climax. – Stephen Hendry Anticlimax Quotes Crying Quotes Feeling Quotes Jumping Quotes Trophy Quotes Winnings Quotes If I’m going to play, I’m going to have to give it 100%, which means I’m going to have to play in all of the tournaments that I don’t like. Even when I used to play Jimmy White in Scotland, he would have the majority of the support. That’s the only time it would irk me, coming back to Scotland and people still wanting me to lose.
Marv Levy I did a lot of studying of great writers. I read that Hemingway rewrote ‘The Sun Also Rises’ 39 times. – Marv Levy
Hulk I left Brazil very early, at age 18, to go to Japan and I spent three-and-a-half years there. Then I went to Porto, everything happened so fast in my life, there was recognition throughout Europe. – Hulk
Shonda Rhimes Why should I dislike anything about my appearance? I came off the factory line this way. I am perfect. – Shonda Rhimes
Arthur Smith Sky and clouds and trees and little figures relaxing in the perfect rural rhythm of their surroundings: these are the staples of a Gainsborough landscape. – Arthur Smith
Denis Napthine Today, in 2014, Victoria is a better, stronger, more financially secure state than when we came to government four years ago. – Denis Napthine
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