Chad Hurley When you have a group of engineers and designers, they are not exactly the best to deal with copyright law. – Chad Hurley Copyright Quotes Deal Quotes Designers Quotes Engineers Quotes Law Quotes The one thing with the established and traditional media industries is that whenever something new comes along, they don’t know what to make of it, and the natural reaction is to fight it or push back. I’m an NFL guy.
Keke Palmer I believe your reality is what you make it, what you choose to see, and what you choose to allow yourself to do. There are possibilities all around you – magic all around you – no matter what situation you’re in. – Keke Palmer
Liam CunninghamMovies I’d always admired Sean Connery. Even though I wonder about some of his choices, I like him even in bad movies. – Liam Cunningham
Saroo Brierley Each time I go away internationally or even to the mainland, I always love coming back to Tasmania. – Saroo Brierley
Robert Walpole But I have the satisfaction, at the same time, to reflect that the impression to be made depends upon the consistency of the charge and the motives of the prosecutors. – Robert Walpole
Marlon Moraes I’m one of the best fighters. I’m not saying outside the UFC, I’m saying all MMA. – Marlon Moraes
Franklin P Jones You never realize what a good memory you have until you try to forget something. – Franklin P Jones
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