Denise Bidot When you have a group of women who are happy and support each other, then you have a group of women who can take over the world. – Denise Bidot Happy Quotes Support Quotes Women Quotes I’m not 6-feet tall and I’m not a size 2, so I never thought there would be an industry for me to fit into. My daughter is 8 years old, and just recently she came to me and said a girl called her fat. And I couldn’t imagine that was going on in second grade. It just blows my mind that kids are already being influenced by the media and using words this way.
Robert Pires People think this is easy to be a football player. They only see the summit but they don’t see the ascent, which is far longer and tougher than the career peaks. And there are so few of us to reach the summits. Some might earn €305,000 per month but there are a lot more for whom life is hell. – Robert Pires
Eva Green Hmm, limelight… No, I’m not Sienna Miller or Angelina Jolie. I’m very lucky and happy, but I still find it very difficult to get good scripts and good roles. It’s really a jungle out there. – Eva Green
Steve Young I think when you look at the quarterback position, and this mastery of the craft we talk about, it really is an advanced degree. It’s like going to med school, or law school, or getting your PH.D. It really is that type of educational effort, on the field and off the field. – Steve Young
Jason Dohring I learned how to get in shape without getting certain muscles too big that make you look like a meathead. – Jason Dohring
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