Marc Faber When you have a perfect free market, it’s difficult to predict the future. But when you have a market that is disturbed by government manipulations and money-printing, it’s impossible to make any predictions. – Marc Faber Difficult Quotes Disturbed Quotes Future Quotes Government Quotes Impossible Quotes Manipulations Quotes Market Quotes Moneyprinting Quotes Perfect Quotes Predict Quotes Predictions Quotes Each money-printing exercise brings about unintended consequences. These unintended consequences are higher inflation rates than had no money been printed. My worst investment decision so far is to lend money to friends. So far, it has all come to zero.
Josefina Vazquez Mota I will be the first woman president of Mexico in history. – Josefina Vazquez Mota
Jason Alexander I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on the ‘Criminal Minds’ guy. I guess it’s because the look of that character is so different from what people expect of me. – Jason Alexander
Mitchel Resnick Our society expects that everyone should learn to write, even though very few become professional writers. Similarly, I think that everyone should learn how to program, even though very few will become professional programmers. – Mitchel Resnick
Isaac Brock I watch the same cartoons over and over again. I watch Adult Swim. I watch ‘Futurama’ repeatedly. – Isaac Brock
Jimmy Gomez I know that it takes a coalition of individuals fighting against this very divisive agenda that the Trump administration and the Republicans are trying to push. – Jimmy Gomez
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