Laurence D Fink When you look at dividend returns on equities versus bond yields, to me it’s a pretty easy decision to be heavily in equities. – Laurence D Fink Bond Quotes Decision Quotes Dividend Quotes Easy Quotes Equities Quotes Heavily Quotes Pretty Quotes Returns Quotes Yields Quotes I am responsible for managing more schoolteachers’ and firemen’s money than anybody in the world. That’s an enormous responsibility. I am pleased to be part of Promontory’s steady efforts to assist banks and other financial firms in meeting legal and regulatory obligations and challenges.
Stephen Moyer In London I had pear trees in my back garden, so I’d make my own pear and green tomato chutney. – Stephen Moyer
Javier Hernandez At times, my confidence is rock bottom, although I try for it to be sky high, thanks to the people that are always there with me and support me. – Javier Hernandez
Chen Shui-bian The road to democracy may be winding and is like a river taking many curves, but eventually the river will reach the ocean. – Chen Shui-bian
GodHeraclitus To God everything is beautiful, good, and just; humans, however, think some things are unjust and others just. – Heraclitus
George LucasTechnology Digital technology allows us a much larger scope to tell stories that were pretty much the grounds of the literary media. – George Lucas
J J Redick You want your kids to grow up in a world that’s better than the one you grew up in. I’m not talking about my own family’s wealth. I’m talking about the actual world and all the issues that we have. – J J Redick
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