Robert Rodriguez When you put on the glasses in a 3-D movie they just kind of sit there and you forget about them. – Robert Rodriguez Forget Quotes Glasses Quotes Movie Quotes Sit Quotes Hollywood wants to own everything. I don’t want to own anything. I don’t want people just to make content, I want to empower and teach them to create content they own that they can exploit in any medium. It’s rare for the studios to find a filmmaker who wants to make a family film. To find someone that has an idea, embraces it, has kids and wants to make something exciting – well, they don’t see that too often.
Gordon Brown I love Scotland; I love the NHS. I was born into the NHS; I grew up in the NHS. My family grew up in the NHS. – Gordon Brown
SE Cupp For one, as I’ve written before, the death penalty is plainly unjust. When the number of wrongful convictions and death penalty cases that are eventually exonerated number in the hundreds, if not thousands, we can not call it a moral system. – SE Cupp
Michael Korda The rich and famous expect to get a lot for their story, whether they are writing it themselves or not. It’s not that they need the money, of course; it’s a question of ego, like catching the biggest fish. – Michael Korda
Emir Kusturica At a certain moment, Yugoslavia stopped being rational, and then you end up going to war. – Emir Kusturica
Pierre Omidyar I’m a technologist by origin and by training, but I’m focused on philanthropy. – Pierre Omidyar
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