Lynn Davies When you win, suddenly this celebrity status is hoisted upon you. – Lynn Davies Celebrity Quotes Hoisted Quotes Status Quotes Suddenly Quotes Win Quotes It was not about the guy who could jump the furthest; it was about the guy who could jump the furthest on that particular day in the worst conditions of any Olympic long jump final.
Elizabeth Emken I appeal to everyone who understands what it is to have kids in school, have a mortgage, to work for a living; to have someone in their family or in their life who is less-abled and who is going to need help from the government. – Elizabeth Emken
Brianna Wu Gamergate has grown into a hate group that threatens the stability of the $60 billion a year game industry. – Brianna Wu
BestIntelligenceLaurence J Peter The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure. – Laurence J Peter
Dean Lewis I can write a happy song, but there has to be some sort of twist. Otherwise it feels a bit cheesy. – Dean Lewis
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