Rachel Keller When you’re building a show from the ground up, there are no answers or wrong move, because there’s no bible. – Rachel Keller Answers Quotes Bible Quotes Building Quotes Ground Quotes Wrong Quotes Young girls in particular aren’t given a space to be messy and complicated and express themselves and experiment – they’re told to be a little quieter and a little less than. I want tragic and poetic forever! That’s how I want to live every day.
DaBaby Now that I’m a XXL Freshman, you know, I feel like that sets high standards for me, and I feel like I have to deliver. – DaBaby
Jonathan Tisch I grew up watching and learning from the ultimate partnership, and that is of my father and late uncle. – Jonathan Tisch
Jay DeMarcus When you put a new show out, you always have a few kinks that you need to iron out, and you need to dial your show in. You figure out over a couple of weeks what songs work well together and what songs may not have the impact you thought they would at that spot in the show. – Jay DeMarcus
Emma Rigby I did really well at school, and I would have loved to have gone to Oxford or Cambridge. I would have read English, and I’m really interested in politics. – Emma Rigby
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