Justin Chancellor When you’re getting older, you think about what you have to offer, and what’s the point of your life. – Justin Chancellor Life Quotes Offer Quotes If you’re going to play bass, then play bass how you play bass. You can learn technique and theory, but we want to hear what you have to offer. Anything you spend a long time on, of course it would be nice if everyone likes it. But I think the strength that we’ve got is that we always concentrate on what we want it to be like and not really trying to please other people.
Leana S Wen Continuing the legacy of Elijah E. Cummings requires that we fulfill our destiny to fight for the world as it should be. – Leana S Wen
FitnessRavindra Jadeja During training, I don’t do all the things together on the same day. I just try and work on my skills one day and fitness on next day. That’s how I manage all the workload. – Ravindra Jadeja
George JacksonPatience Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice. – George Jackson
Henry Spencer NASA has never had a problem finding capable people to be astronauts. NASA’s problem was, and still is, finding ways to cut the list of capable applicants down to a manageable length. – Henry Spencer
Jim Sasser One congressman asked ‘I just want to know if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The minister looked stunned, and he said ‘no.’ The whole table almost fell on the floor. The congressman was quite serious. That was his litmus test. – Jim Sasser
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