Derek Trucks When you’re improvising, you connect with people in a way you don’t in normal life, strangely. – Derek Trucks Connect Quotes Improvising Quotes Life Quotes Normal Quotes People Quotes Strangely Quotes Y’know, you can sit in a room, practise all day, learn your scales and blaze blues riffs: it’s easy to hide behind that. But I think with the slide, it’s a little bit tougher. We got our old Neve recording console, it was owned by The Kinks for a long time.
Sunita Williams Funny how words in one language get used in another language. For example, ‘scotch’ in Russian is tape and ‘pampers’ means diapers. – Sunita Williams
Roger Moore It’s very tempting to over-eat all the bad things when you’re on a film set. – Roger Moore
Marcel Wanders That word ‘fantasy’ – I hardly ever hear it in the world of design. And that’s very strange. You should hear it a lot. I think fantasy is a very important value that designers and artists should bring to the world. – Marcel Wanders
Joe Russo If you look at what we did with ‘Winter Soldier’ with the Cap character in terms of bringing him into the modern world, trying to ground the movie tonally into something that was a step toward real-world, at least to the degree you can do that in a superhero movie, that’s still the tonal universe that we’re playing in ‘Civil War.’ – Joe Russo
Gerard Arpey Our Fly Smart philosophy is about investing only on those points of differentiation that pay for themselves, that earn a revenue premium commensurate with what it costs us to provide that product or service. – Gerard Arpey
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