Sam Worthington When you’re in trouble, all you need is your bank card and passport, and you’re fine. – Sam Worthington Bank Quotes Card Quotes Fine Quotes Passport Quotes Trouble Quotes I’m Australian! How much more alpha can you get? When I was young, my parents were these titanic, infallible figures. But Mum’s illness and Dad’s battles with diabetes and heart attacks had a ripple effect on me – reminding me of my own mortality and that these illnesses are genetic.
IntelligenceRana el Kaliouby I am a firm believer that transparency goes hand in hand with collective intelligence. – Rana el Kaliouby
Ben Sweetland We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own. – Ben Sweetland
Per Mertesacker Even at the age of 33 I was one of the most flexible at Arsenal when it came to my back muscles. – Per Mertesacker
Steve Carell Divorce is fairly common these days, and I think many times people disregard the emotional impact that divorce has on a couple and a family, because it happens so frequently. – Steve Carell
Radhika Apte If you are an industry kid, the first film is given to you on a platter. However, the pressure and expectations are immense. – Radhika Apte
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