Jemima Kirke When you’re literally carrying a child you can cut back on bad habits. – Jemima Kirke Bad Quotes Carrying Quotes Child Quotes Cut Quotes Habits Quotes Literally Quotes I go to Florida sometimes for vacation. I actually really like Florida. It’s a weird place, it’s surreal. It’s so close, but you feel like you’re in another world or on an island. That’s what I paint, I paint people. They’re portraits, but you won’t always be pleased with the way you look in my paintings. Which is fine, I guess. Unless you’re buying it, and it’s of your kid!
Peter Bofinger It is true that a population which is growing older needs to save, but the question is in what form the savings are made. – Peter Bofinger
Brian Stelter I think it’s clear that Trump is usually in a reactive mode, reacting to what he sees and hears on Fox. – Brian Stelter
Georges BatailleHappiness Pleasure only starts once the worm has got into the fruit, to become delightful happiness must be tainted with poison. – Georges Bataille
A N WilsonRespect Like many people in Britain, I have an affectionate respect for the Queen, and am surprised that I should be having such republican thoughts. – A N Wilson
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