Michael Giacchino When you’re starting out in this business, it’s very easy to want to say yes to everything that’s offered to you. – Michael Giacchino Business Quotes Easy Quotes Offered Quotes Starting Quotes I think that one of the things I’d learned from being so attentive to the careers of the people I’ve admired is the fact that they would say ‘no’ a lot. Early on, I took that as a cue to only work on things that I knew I would be passionate about. I’ve always looked at guys who I’ve admired, like John Williams and Lalo Schifrin and Max Steiner, and looked at the choices they made and always try to take a cue from that.
Abu Bakr To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad. – Abu Bakr
Joey Votto I think it’s very difficult to have fewer opportunities to have success and still execute. My favorite player was Barry Bonds, and he got so few opportunities. – Joey Votto
Kate Winslet My skin still crawls if you call me a movie star. I get embarrassed. I think, don’t be ridiculous. Maybe it’s because I’m British. To me, Julia Roberts that’s a movie star. But when people do call me one, that, I think, is an enormous compliment but, my God, is that a responsibility! – Kate Winslet
Amor Towles I make extensive outlines before I write a book. I usually know what will happen. I know the characters, and I know what they are about. – Amor Towles
Britt Ekland The idea of doing theatre always terrified me because I get terrible stage fright. In the early 1970s I was offered a panto but the thought of going on stage was just too mortifying. – Britt Ekland
Ben RhodesIntelligence When it comes to Israel’s security, our military and intelligence cooperation, that’s off limits. That’s protected. That’s sacrosanct. – Ben Rhodes
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