Catherine MartinSmile When you’re surrounded by feathers and sequins and ridiculous Lycra outfits, it’s impossible not to have a smile on your face. – Catherine Martin Feathers Quotes Impossible Quotes Lycra Quotes Outfits Quotes Ridiculous Quotes Sequins Quotes Smile Quotes Surrounded Quotes There’s a different expectation, not just on mothers but on women. We’re expected to do it all, to have it all, and look good through the process and have a smile on our face, and that’s not always the case. As long as you smile, have sparkly eyes and stick your shoulders back, nobody’s going to notice your bum or your waist or your feet, for that matter.
Lulu I have a crush on Steve Tyler. He’s funny, he rocks, and has a voice like a god. There is another one who I have discovered can sing. I should try and make an album with him… it’s Barack Obama! – Lulu
Emily Ratajkowski Generally, I just think there is a real lacking in men knowing how to hit on women. – Emily Ratajkowski
Oneohtrix Point Never I basically am always chasing this super enhanced stimulation from music. – Oneohtrix Point Never
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow It is foolish to pretend that one is fully recovered from a disappointed passion. Such wounds always leave a scar. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
David Olusoga Britain fought the second world war with men and money partly drawn from the empire and that, after the defence of the home islands, the survival of the empire was a fundamental war aim. – David Olusoga
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