Sheila Heti When you’re writing, I think a big part of writing comes out of an attempt to understand yourself. You’re dealing with emotions and thoughts that are native to you. So that probably winds up in your characters. – Sheila Heti Attempt Quotes Characters Quotes Dealing Quotes Emotions Quotes Native Quotes Understand Quotes Winds Quotes Writing Quotes Many of the traits in my characters are exaggerations of things I see in myself. But in ‘How Should a Person Be?’ I wasn’t trying to write about myself so much as a combination of myself and these women I was seeing in our culture. If you want to write from life, you can’t really write a story. People are always changing, and I think if we didn’t look the same day-to-day, and our self weren’t always in our body, would we even be the same? The continuity is in our bodies.
Bjorn Borg I had a great tennis career. I have no regrets. But to find peace with yourself, and to finally be with your family – I’m probably the happiest guy in the world. – Bjorn Borg
Meaghan Rath I remember so many times taking classes and feeling completely discouraged because I felt like I wasn’t getting it and I couldn’t understand. I kept working at it and I kept going back to class, and I wouldn’t let myself get intimidated or get scared away, and it really does pay off. – Meaghan Rath
Raheem DeVaughnThankful I am very thankful to Washington, D.C. for their loyalty and support. – Raheem DeVaughn
Graeme Le Saux My wife Mariana is a good photographer too and, like me, she just picks up a camera and takes a picture when she sees something, rather than looking too deeply into it. – Graeme Le Saux
Jean-Pascal Tricoire I come from the deep countryside. My family was in farming. I was not really exposed to business. Coming from that environment, I just wanted in my life to go overseas – that was a childhood dream because I wanted diversity, contacts, cultural meetings with others. – Jean-Pascal Tricoire
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