Shaun Tan Whenever I start a project, I have a broad range of possibilities. – Shaun Tan Broad Quotes Possibilities Quotes Project Quotes Range Quotes Start Quotes For myself, I’ve kind of always been interested in pets because they’re not human. Illustrating is more about communicating specific ideas to a reader. Painting is more like pure science, more about the act of painting.
Helen Thomas We are the only institution in our society that can question a president on a regular basis and make him accountable. Otherwise, he could be king. – Helen Thomas
John Petrucci I’ve listened to musicians who say that using a metronone makes you robotic, that it decreases your ‘feel.’ That’s ridiculous. Either you have feel or you don’t. Feel is one of those intangibles that can’t be taught. But if you do have feel, using a metronome will allow you to play cleaner – and that’ll make your ‘feel’ have more, well, ‘feeling.’ – John Petrucci
Brian Greene I would say in one sentence my goal is to at least be part of the journey to find the unified theory that Einstein himself was really the first to look for. He didn’t find it, but we think we’re hot on the trail. – Brian Greene
Jessica Lynch The nurses at the hospital tried to soothe me, and they even tried unsuccessfully at one point to return me to Americans. – Jessica Lynch
David Bergen At the age of twenty, having published nothing and having had little guidance in my reading, I decided that I wanted to write. – David Bergen
Christian Slater I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit. – Christian Slater
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