Dean Ambrose Where a new guy may only know one or two ways to do something, I know all of the moves, and I’ve forgotten more stuff than the newer guys might even know. – Dean Ambrose Forgotten Quotes Guy Quotes Guys Quotes Moves Quotes Stuff Quotes You’ll find that all WWE performers, when they go on to any television show or set of any kind, we’re more prepared that we get credit for. We don’t get enough credit. I’ve been around in WWE for quite a while now and before that had – even in Florida – I’ve been all around the world and seen every type of style in opponent; the way I was trained and stuff, I got a lot more tricks up my sleeve.
Anna RichardsonDietHealth Im focussing very much on having a plant-based diet, Ive given up alcohol, and Im exercising every day. And that includes being outside every single day, just to also exercise for my mental health. – Anna Richardson
BeautyCindy Margolis Having inner beauty is something you develop on your own, and I like to think I have that. – Cindy Margolis
ChangeFaithRM We’re on some path that’s set since we’re born, but I still believe we can change some things. So I believe in my faith, but I still don’t believe in my fate. – RM
David Twohy I’ve learned never to count Vin Diesel out. Just don’t do that. And I guess it’s because he is a very smart guy. Smarter than people give him credit for. – David Twohy
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