GodSwami Vivekananda Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being. – Swami Vivekananda God Quotes Hearts Quotes Living Quotes What you wish to others, God wishes to you. I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.
James Corden I haven’t always voted for the same party, mostly because I find that strange. One thing I’ve never quite understood is when people say ‘I’m a Conservative’ or ‘I’m Labour,’ before even hearing what the person running stands for or wants to change. – James Corden
Marie Osmond This is a physical thing that is fixable. I know, I’m a survivor. Believe me, there was no way I thought I could survive. There are answers out there that need to be found. – Marie Osmond
Justo Gallego I’ve had lots of ideas. For example, I had the idea of making a small version of the Vatican’s dome. I also got ideas from medieval castles – I’ve mixed medieval castles with the Romanesque style. – Justo Gallego
GovernmentJohn C Calhoun Our government is deeply disordered; its credit is impaired; its debt increasing; its expenditures extravagant and wasteful; its disbursements without efficient accountability; and its taxes (for duties are but taxes) enormous, unequal, and oppressive to the great producing classes of the country. – John C Calhoun
Mike Quigley My outspoken positions haven’t always been popular in the halls of Congress, but they have been rooted in what I believed was right and necessary. – Mike Quigley
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