Ira Glass Where radio is different than fiction is that even mediocre fiction needs purpose, a driving question. – Ira Glass Driving Quotes Fiction Quotes Mediocre Quotes Purpose Quotes Question Quotes Radio Quotes I suppose I shouldn’t go around admitting I speak untruths on the radio. Just when did I get to the point when staying at a hotel wasn’t fun?
Pallam Raju Recognising that the future growth of India will depend on greater skill development, the National Policy for Skill Development aims to create a skilled workforce of 500 million by 2022. – Pallam Raju
BirthdayRuskin Bond From the age of 17 through my 20s, I was living on my own, so sometimes I wouldn’t even tell anybody it was my birthday. It was not a big thing for me. – Ruskin Bond
Anthony Minghella I work fitfully, in hope rather than in expectation, invent methods which last a week, and fill notebooks with tiny, illegible writing which often defies my own attempts to decipher it. – Anthony Minghella
Ashton Eaton From the age of seven, I basically started practicing my hand-eye and foot coordination, balance, strength, endurance, discipline, and mental toughness three days a week until I was about 15. – Ashton Eaton
David Nutter I always believe that editing is the kind of thing where you want to cut into a scene a little bit after it starts and get out before it ends. – David Nutter
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