Lee Scott Where we’re not wrong or where the cost of settling is so much that it is totally disproportionate to the harm or the error that we made, we’re not going to settle. – Lee Scott Cost Quotes Disproportionate Quotes Error Quotes Harm Quotes Settle Quotes Settling Quotes Totally Quotes Wrong Quotes I think in some ways we have allowed other people to set the agenda. Other people to define who we are. Where we have been incorrect in what we have done, then I think we have an obligation to settle.
James Jebbia When I do read something about a designer it doesn’t alter my thoughts about their collection when I see it in person. – James Jebbia
Stompin' Tom Connors On every album I’ve put out, I’ve put diverse Canadian songs on it. They’re not provincial album; my albums are national albums. There’ll be a song about Saskatchewan and Vancouver and Nova Scotia on there. – Stompin’ Tom Connors
Daniel Lubetzky No matter if we’re in a contentious situation or simply engaging in an everyday interaction, we should aspire to have the strength to be kind always. If each of us shared this aspiration, we’d all be better off. – Daniel Lubetzky
InspirationalSara Davies We work very closely with HSN’s buying team, to ensure that our products and demonstrations are as exciting, educational and as inspirational as possible. – Sara Davies
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