CarHelen Mirren Wherever I am in the world, if I get free time when I’m filming I always hire a car, take to the road, drive for miles and explore. – Helen Mirren Car Quotes Drive Quotes Explore Quotes Filming Quotes Hire Quotes Miles Quotes Road Quotes Time Quotes The car industry has invested a lot in hybrid, but my opinion is electric cars will take over a lot of hybrids quicker than people think now. A Rolex watch or an expensive car are the things guys often use to show status, wealth, and basic desirability.
Michael Caine I don’t worry about the last shot or the next shot. I concentrate. Every shot gets a clean slate. And when a shot is over, I wipe it out absolutely. Tell a joke or something. If you worry about how you looked, how well you did, you’ll go insane. – Michael Caine
Kamala Harris There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me. – Kamala Harris
Grant Shapps Fighting poverty is nothing new for the Conservative Party, but during the 1980s the emphasis placed on individualism and prosperity was sometimes seen to crowd out social issues like helping the most vulnerable in society. – Grant Shapps
Joyce Giraud Especially as a title-holder, you can do great things with charities, because people suddenly care about what you have to say. I wanted to make a difference, which is why I created the Queen of the Universe pageant. I want to change all of those stigmas in the beauty pageant world. – Joyce Giraud
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