Mithila Palkar Wherever there is an opportunity is where you will find me. – Mithila Palkar Opportunity Quotes I love to experiment and take every opportunity as a challenge. I knew that I wanted to be an actor; I just did not know when and where. I was open to experimenting.
Rudolf Steiner We must never forget that higher knowledge has to do with revering truth and insight and not with revering people. – Rudolf Steiner
Jim Kelly I started out real young as a tight end, but I was never getting the football. I knew when I played basketball, I loved to have control of the ball. When I played baseball, I was a pitcher. I always wanted to be the guy throwing the passes and making a difference, I guess. – Jim Kelly
Chris March I think that if you take a risk, you inspire people, and ultimately, inspiring people is more important than winning. – Chris March
Eric Clapton But the guitar, when you think about it, is the most versatile, really. I mean you can pick it up and take it with you wherever you go. – Eric Clapton
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