Rollo May While one might laugh at the meaningless boredom of people a decade or two ago, the emptiness has for many now moved from the state of boredom to a state of futility and despair, which holds promise of dangers. – Rollo May Boredom Quotes Dangers Quotes Decade Quotes Despair Quotes Emptiness Quotes Futility Quotes Holds Quotes Laugh Quotes Meaningless Quotes Moved Quotes People Quotes Promise Quotes Human freedom involves our capacity to pause, to choose the one response toward which we wish to throw our weight. I make no apologies in admitting that I take very seriously the dehumanizing dangers in our tendency in modern science to make man over into the image of the machine, into the image of the techniques by which we study him.
Sami Zayn When I was a teenager, a friend of mine got a job on a wrestling radio show in Montreal, and he found a local professional wrestler who was able to train us. – Sami Zayn
Rhys Ifans I just don’t take myself as seriously anymore. But as a result of that, I am taking myself more seriously. My ego has gone on holiday, and it can’t get a flight back home. – Rhys Ifans
Clay Shirky Our social life is literally primal, in the sense that chimpanzees and gorillas, our closest relatives among the primates, are also social. – Clay Shirky
Oliver LuckPositive I have positive feelings about the old days and the way you did things, but that’s sort of like feeling nostalgic for the heyday of the Detroit auto industry. Just because it was done doesn’t mean it couldn’t be improved upon. – Oliver Luck
Cam Newton There’s not a Sunday that goes past that I’m not excited to play this game. I feel as if I’m a lucky individual to have the opportunity to play this game, and when I do have the opportunity to finally play, you can bet your last dollar I will be excited to play. – Cam Newton
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