Scott DesJarlais While there are certainly things that I admire and respect in each of the remaining candidates, I believe Donald Trump is the candidate best poised to make America great again. – Scott DesJarlais Admire Quotes America Quotes Candidate Quotes Candidates Quotes Donald Quotes Poised Quotes Remaining Quotes Respect Quotes Trump Quotes I made a very poor decision in my first marriage. I know God’s forgiven me. All life should be cherished and protected.
Marya Mannes By the age of fifty, you have made yourself what you are, and if it is good, it is better than your youth. – Marya Mannes
Fatima Sana Shaikh I auditioned 5-6 times for ‘Dangal.’ I was just waiting for the final call, as there were about 15-16 girls who auditioned for the role. – Fatima Sana Shaikh
Lawrence Osborne There’s something attractive about making people temporarily forget their actual age by taking them out of their normal lives so completely. Doesn’t travel, by its very nature, strive to do this? – Lawrence Osborne
Roy Campanella You have to have a lot of little boy in you to play baseball for a living. – Roy Campanella
Kenneth Anger Nobody in America, in the modern generation, has read their mythology or legends. – Kenneth Anger
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