Karl Philipp Moritz Whilst in Prussia poets only speak of the love of country as one of the dearest of all human affections, here there is no man who does not feel, and describe with rapture, how much he loves his country. – Karl Philipp Moritz Affections Quotes Country Quotes Dearest Quotes Feel Quotes Human Quotes Love Quotes Loves Quotes Poets Quotes Prussia Quotes Rapture Quotes Speak Quotes All over London as one walks, one everywhere, in the season, sees oranges to sell; and they are in general sold tolerably cheap, one and even sometimes two for a halfpenny; or, in our money, threepence. My landlady, who is only a tailor’s widow, reads her Milton; and tells me, that her late husband first fell in love with her on this very account: because she read Milton with such proper emphasis.
Ruth Wilson What really excites me is the unknown, and getting to grips with something you have no idea about. – Ruth Wilson
Eddie Redmayne I always try to describe making movies like summer camp, or some holiday where you spend all day, every day with a new group of people whom you kind of love and then never see again. – Eddie Redmayne
Jack McBrayer I got fired for giving coffee away. It was just my regulars. I’d say, ‘Don’t worry about it,’ and they’d put down a dollar tip. Technically, I was stealing. Ethically, I was boosting morale! – Jack McBrayer
Gerald Griffin There cannot be any better cross-section of America and I think the soldiers represent the best we have. Today’s soldiers are brighter and smarter, perhaps in a different way, than past generations because they’ve been brought up in the computer and information age. – Gerald Griffin
Paul Kagame There are some who are scared by unity and by building a country on the basis of ideas. – Paul Kagame
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