Scott Gottlieb Why do physicians prescribe powerful antibiotics? Generally not because our patients ask for them. Most people who come in with a sore throat would be just as happy leaving my office with a prescription for Chloraseptic as clarithromycin. – Scott Gottlieb Antibiotics Quotes Chloraseptic Quotes Clarithromycin Quotes Happy Quotes Leaving Quotes Office Quotes Patients Quotes People Quotes Physicians Quotes Powerful Quotes Prescribe Quotes Prescription Quotes Sore Quotes Throat Quotes Antibiotic resistance is as old as the dirt that coats our planet. The truth is that the greatest innovations in health-care delivery haven’t come from federally contrived oligopolies or enormous hospital chains. Novel concepts – whether practice-management companies, home health care or the first for-profit HMO – almost always have come from entrepreneurial firms, often backed by venture capital.
Edward de Bono If you wait for opportunities to occur, you will be one of the crowd. – Edward de Bono
Anna Torv Fringe’ is a sci-fi show. But once you go beyond the genre, you’re immersed in a profound reality. – Anna Torv
Kelly Slater A lot of times I’ll see guys who are nowhere near the level of the board they’re riding. They might love surfing and love how it looks, but you really have to work your way up. It takes eating a little humble pie at first, and stepping back to equipment that might be a bit slow, but do it. – Kelly Slater
Nobu Matsuhisa I’m a lucky person because the company keeps growing, and that means my team keeps growing. – Nobu Matsuhisa
CoolRoger Federer I don’t need to come back to Wimbledon every year because I can’t live without it. I’d be totally cool without tennis. – Roger Federer
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