David Duchovny Willie Mays was the best ever. When I was in college I once made a catch like the one Mays made over his head. Sometimes when I’m lying in bed at night I think about it. It still makes me warm. – David Duchovny Bed Quotes Catch Quotes College Quotes Head Quotes Lying Quotes Mays Quotes Night Quotes Warm Quotes Willie Quotes On the one hand, people think they own kids; they feel that they have the right to tell the kids what to do. On the other hand, people envy kids. We’d like to be kids our whole lives. Kids get to do what they do. They live on their instincts. People think celebrities don’t have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It’s like you’ve traveled to this Land of Celebrity, this other country.
Sharon Horgan If you’re not the brightest or if you’re not great at sports, or if you’re not artistic, then you’ve got to find a way to make your mark; otherwise you’re just this tiny little insignificant dot. I didn’t want to be insignificant, so I made people laugh. – Sharon Horgan
Caster Semenya I know how I look like. I know how I sound. I know how I walk. I’m just gonna be me. I do me, and you do you. – Caster Semenya
Christina Anstead I don’t drink anything during the day besides coffee in the morning and then lots of water. – Christina Anstead
Sarah Millican And bookish people who do their homework and get it in on time and it’s good – they don’t have friends at school. I never really got in the cliques. I didn’t have the right shoes or hair. – Sarah Millican
John Wayne When I was a sophomore at USC, I was a socialist, pretty much to the left. But not when I left the university. I quickly got wise. I’d read about what had happened to Russia in 1917 when the Communists took over. – John Wayne
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