BusinessChangeJack WelchStrength Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while. – Jack Welch Business Quotes Change Quotes Company Quotes Confusion Quotes Jack Welch Quotes Plunging Quotes Strength Quotes Total Quotes Willingness Quotes When someone takes their existing business and tries to transform it into something else – they fail. In technology that is often the case. Look at Kodak: it was the dominant imaging company in the world. They did fabulously during the great depression, but then wiped out the shareholders because of technological change. It’s all about culture. If you can get the right people with the right mindset, the right core values and the ability to change on a dime, then you have the ability to invest and do what’s best for the health and long-term value proposition of the business.
Maren Morris As a songwriter, I listen to everything to be inspired… from Rihanna to Bruno Mars to Springsteen to Johnny Cash. – Maren Morris
Lil Dicky I’ve always been totally enamored by hip-hop. I wouldn’t say I liked it exclusively growing up. It was, like, that and alt-rock. But I always preferred it. It set a tone for everything I wanted to do in life. – Lil Dicky
Claudia Winkleman I’m not sure a pretty and stupid man might be the key to a happy relationship. – Claudia Winkleman
KnowledgeMusicSuccessWolfgang Amadeus Mozart I live in a country where music has very little success, though, exclusive of those who have forsaken us, we have still admirable professors and, more particularly, composers of great solidity, knowledge, and taste. – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Robert Sapolsky If you’re a baboon on the Serengeti, and you’re miserable, it’s almost certainly because some other baboon has had the free time and energy to devote to making you miserable. – Robert Sapolsky
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