Johnny Weissmuller With but few exceptions, it is always the underdog who wins through sheer willpower. – Johnny Weissmuller Exceptions Quotes Sheer Quotes Underdog Quotes Willpower Quotes Wins Quotes Treat your body well, and it’ll see you through for many years. No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant association.
Greig Fraser It was very confronting after growing up in the suburbs of Melbourne, then going to India. There’s such a different emphasis on everything: food, family, hygiene, love, marriage. It’s why it’s so exciting, why it’s so beautiful. – Greig Fraser
Michael Franks I started touring a little bit in 1973 in support of a record I made for an independent label. In 1975, when I signed with Warner Bros., where I remained happily ensconced for the next 24 years, my touring activity increased considerably. – Michael Franks
Chili DavisDad My dad gave me a haircut… and it wasn’t a very good one. When I went out of the house, my friends got on my case and said it looked like someone put a chili bowl over my head and cut around it. – Chili Davis
Jeremy Clarkson I have a pathological terror of falling through ice. I nearly drowned once. I fell off a boat and got a cramp, and was rescued by an oil-rig diver, a great bear of a man who simply leant into the water and scooped me out with one finger. – Jeremy Clarkson
BeautyBirthdayLucy Punch When I was 11, I had an Ugly Sister birthday party. All my idea. Most girls want to be a fairy or a princess, but there I am with beauty spots and fur and fluorescent pink kiss-curls. – Lucy Punch
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