Claudio Ranieri With Chelsea, the job was this: move up to the top, get into Europe. And I did that – fourth place in the Premier League and then into the Champions League, the season before Abramovich and all the money arrived. – Claudio Ranieri Abramovich Quotes Arrived Quotes Champions Quotes Chelsea Quotes Europe Quotes Fourth Quotes Job Quotes League Quotes Money Quotes Premier Quotes Season Quotes In London, you can eat your way around the world – Lebanese one night, Indian the next. Wherever I go, the club is never to stay on the same square on the board: they have to move up. I don’t know if it’s coincidence, some calling, or destiny – but whatever it is, it’s the story of my life.
Roger Scruton Of course, it is the case that conservatism as I envisage it distances itself always from abstract conceptions and tries to find the concrete reality. – Roger Scruton
DeathFreedomTruthTullian Tchividjian The truth, whether we admit it or not, is that grace scares us to death. It scares us primarily because it wrestles control and manageability out of our hands – introducing chaos and freedom. – Tullian Tchividjian
Jo Johnson When the U.K. and India collaborate, there is force multiplier, which is very-very strong. The force multiplier with India is much stronger than with many other countries. We get much greater impact and valued research papers when British and Indian scientists co-operate. – Jo Johnson
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