Oliver Goldsmith With disadvantages enough to bring him to humility, a Scotsman is one of the proudest things alive. – Oliver Goldsmith Alive Quotes Bring Quotes Disadvantages Quotes Humility Quotes Proudest Quotes Scotsman Quotes When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away?
Halima Aden For a really long time, I thought being different was a negative thing. But as I grew older, I started to realize we were all born to stand out; nobody is born to blend in. – Halima Aden
Michael De Luca Because of my New Line upbringing, half my heart goes to scrappy independents, and half goes to mainstream, down-the-middle pop culture events. And even with those, to try to keep something fresh and original with them and try to do things that the majors miss. – Michael De Luca
Pete du Pont There were some entrepreneurial du Ponts that are a little different from the heads of the corporations today. – Pete du Pont
Christian Laettner For me, personally, on the inside, the best moment was winning my first championship. – Christian Laettner
Myles Kennedy I’m not a mixer. That’s not what I do. I’m a songwriter, a singer, and a guitar player. You might have some ideas here and there, but you let the mixer mix the song because, overall, you’ve gotta trust their instincts. – Myles Kennedy
Burt Shavitz Money is nothing really worth squabbling about. This is what puts people six feet under. You know, I don’t need it. – Burt Shavitz
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