Edwin Catmull With every one of our films, we try to touch emotions, but we don’t try to touch the same emotions each time. – Edwin Catmull Emotions Quotes Films Quotes Time Quotes Touch Quotes If something works, you shouldn’t do it again. We want to do something that is new, original – something where there’s a good chance of failure. Technical understanding should be a core competency of any company.
Daniel Mays Everyone’s got that dream of Ibiza, you’ve either been or you want to go, because it’s kind of got this mystical quality to it. – Daniel Mays
Bikram Choudhury My friend said to me, ‘You don’t look good,’ – because all the time I have to think about law and justice and courts. – Bikram Choudhury
Dylan Alcott Tennis players have won Grand Slams and gold medals in wheelchairs before, but haven’t had that cut through. It’s got nothing really to do about me playing tennis, to be honest. It’s about what I say, I guess who I am, mostly being fully proud of who I am, authentically me and challenging the status quo. – Dylan Alcott
John Milton Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined; Till at his second bidding darkness fled, Light shone, and order from disorder sprung. – John Milton
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