Don Bluth With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story. – Don Bluth Creating Quotes Finding Quotes Love Quotes Movies Quotes Relate Quotes Search Quotes Stories Quotes Story Quotes Visual Quotes The heart of Dragon’s Lair has always been its compelling story. With Dragon’s Lair 3D, we think the team has really created an interactive animated movie. You just can’t keep pouring money down an endless hole and never recoup any of it. It’s got to be a business.
George Karl The great player, so much of the greatness, in my mind, is in his heart and his head. It’s not in his body, in his skill set. It comes from having great talent but wanting to mold that and fit it together into being special. And being special means winning championships. – George Karl
Doug Baldwin I’ve got a chip on my shoulder, and honestly, I’ve always had it, but I don’t think about it in those terms, like I’m trying to be better than this guy or that guy. It just helps keep me focused. – Doug Baldwin
Joan Collins We live in a quick-fix society where we need instant gratification for everything. Too fat? Get lipo-sucked. Stringy hair? Glue on extensions. Wrinkles and lines? Head to the beauty shop for a pot of the latest miracle skin stuff. It’s all a beautiful £1 billion con foisted upon insecure women by canny cosmetic conglomerates. – Joan Collins
Richard Sherman We’ve seen a lot of average college players turn into great NFL players. We’ve seen great college players turn into great NFL players. We’ve seen great college players turn into terrible NFL players. – Richard Sherman
Jalen Rose I hated Duke, and I hated everything Duke stood for. Schools like Duke didn’t recruit players like me. – Jalen Rose
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