Rohini Nilekani With the approaching winter the air quality in many Indian cities, especially in Delhi, becomes a public health hazard. Something so fundamental as breathing easy can no longer be taken for granted. It’s a wake-up call worthy of a civic revolution. – Rohini Nilekani Air Quotes Approaching Quotes Breathing Quotes Cities Quotes Civic Quotes Delhi Quotes Easy Quotes Fundamental Quotes Granted Quotes Hazard Quotes Health Quotes Indian Quotes Public Quotes Quality Quotes Revolution Quotes Wakeup Quotes Winter Quotes Worthy Quotes The Indian elite send their children to expensive private schools, bypassing the public school system. They have their own infrastructure for water, with sumps to store it, pumps to lift it, and fancy filters to de-risk from erratic, polluted government water. Most access private healthcare to bridge the health services deficit. Bihar has always drawn me, ever since I was a child, brought up on the stories about my grandfather Babasaheb Soman.
Karan Johar I am a product of Indian cinema; I’ve grown up watching Indian films ever since I can remember. And song and dance is part of our lives; it’s part of our culture; we wake up to songs, we sleep to lullabies, you know, we celebrate every religious and traditional function with music. – Karan Johar
Jack Kevorkian It’s the boredom that kills you. You read until you’re tired of that. You do crossword puzzles until you’re tired of that. This is torture. This is mental torture. – Jack Kevorkian
Nick Searcy There is an underserved audience out there, an audience who wants to see truthful movies about serious issues and does not want to be told what to think by sermonizing, patronizing, or condescending filmmakers. – Nick Searcy
Maximilian Schell As an actor, I was a fantastic rebel. Then I became a directorial rebel and understood rebels from both sides. So now I am a friend who gives advice – not one who knows more, necessarily, but who shares ideas. – Maximilian Schell
Joseph Bologna My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their ’60s. Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne. – Joseph Bologna
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