Anthony Storr With the exception of certain rodents, no other vertebrate except Homo sapiens habitually destroys members of his own species. – Anthony Storr Destroys Quotes Exception Quotes Habitually Quotes Homo Quotes Rodents Quotes Sapiens Quotes Species Quotes Vertebrate Quotes I get intrigued by a puzzle, and writing a book is the best way to solve it. Since I was not able wholly to subscribe to any one set of beliefs advanced by any ‘guru’ I had to fall back on my own, however derivative.
Loren Gray I wasn’t aware of social media fame, it was more just making videos with my friends. – Loren Gray
Elizabeth Cady Stanton To live for a principle, for the triumph of some reform by which all mankind are to be lifted up to be wedded to an idea may be, after all, the holiest and happiest of marriages. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Robin Zander Each record is sort of like a brand new baby, where it’s your favorite thing at that moment in time. – Robin Zander
Ellen Key When the crying child is immediately isolated, and it is explained to him at the same time that whoever annoys others must not be with them, if this isolation is the absolute result and cannot be avoided, in the child’s mind a basis is laid for the experience that one must be alone when one makes oneself unpleasant or disagreeable. – Ellen Key
Harry Shearer I love to see what real human behavior looks like. I’ve always envisioned my job as just observing and noting that and, for the purposes of my work, just cutting out the boring parts. – Harry Shearer
Katarina Johnson-Thompson I was watching ‘Deal or No Deal’ on YouTube recently, and I bawled when the contestant won £250,000. I think I just like watching people achieve their dreams. – Katarina Johnson-Thompson
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