Nicole Maines With trans folks, we have a lot of people accusing us of just playing dress up for whatever reasons, and that’s just not true. – Nicole Maines Accusing Quotes Dress Quotes Folks Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Playing Quotes Reasons Quotes Trans Quotes TRUE Quotes I knew that I was trans when I was three years old. Well, I didn’t know ‘trans’ because I didn’t know there was a word for it, but I just knew that in my head and my heart that I was supposed to be a girl. If I had a super power, I’d want to be able to fly just so I could float around my apartment. Or I’d really like telekinesis because then you’d be able to slam the door on somebody.
Lukas Podolski Back home in Germany, football people think very highly of Arsene Wenger. They listen to what he has to say and admire his achievements. – Lukas Podolski
Erika Christensen Sometimes, I get so annoyed when other people brag. And sometimes, I know that I’m better than that or I’ve got something better in the works; I don’t say anything. I just say, ‘Really? That’s great.’ – Erika Christensen
H P Lovecraft I am well-nigh resolv’d to write no more tales but merely to dream when I have a mind to, not stopping to do anything so vulgar as to set down the dream for a boarish Publick. – H P Lovecraft
Donovan My guitar-playing always included bass lines, melody lines, and rhythm-guitar grooves. – Donovan
Hermione Gingold My father dealt in stocks and shares and my mother also had a lot of time on her hands. – Hermione Gingold
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