Alice Walker Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender. – Alice Walker Feminist Quotes Lavender Quotes Purple Quotes Womanist Quotes Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise. Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy surely takes the rest of the week.
Mona Eltahawy Mubarak was adept, as were many other U.S.-backed dictators, at playing the sane middle to the ‘lunatics with beards’ he so often used as bogeymen to guarantee the support of foreign allies. – Mona Eltahawy
Johan Renck I’ve been working in television for a long time, and I know all aspects of television. – Johan Renck
Felicia Day I’d been in Hollywood for five years before I started writing ‘The Guild.’ I worked enough to pay all my bills. So I was very lucky in that respect. Most people don’t make a living acting. – Felicia Day
Lewis Capaldi My mum and dad have made Twitter accounts, and they will send me links if there is a bad review and tell me they’ll find out where the reviewer lives. – Lewis Capaldi
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