Sarah Harding Working with Dominic Savage was an amazing experience. You don’t have a full script to follow so you’re more or less improvising and he tells you what he wants out of the scene. – Sarah Harding Amazing Quotes Dominic Quotes Experience Quotes Follow Quotes Improvising Quotes Savage Quotes Scene Quotes Script Quotes Tells Quotes Freefall’ showcases what I can do, and for Dominic Savage to have faith in me must mean something! I hope my acting career will go from strength to strength and I’d love to work with Dominic again. Singing was always my main ambition, but acting was something else I wanted to achieve.
Jennie We want to become a group that many people cheer for and trust without bias, no matter what kind of songs we sing, or what stage we stand on. – Jennie
Jake Tapper I listen to a lot of criticism. From the Left and the Right and from everywhere. I mean, everybody’s a media critic. And sometimes I think it’s on point, and other times, I think about it and consider it and then might ultimately disagree with it. But I do listen to it; I really do. – Jake Tapper
Alexander Brome I have been in love, and in debt, and in drink, this many and many a year. – Alexander Brome
Sami Zayn Neville and I are big fans of ska. He’s actually more into original, Jamaican, skinhead, two-tone ska from England, but I’m more into punk ska – Operation Ivy and stuff Rancid would do. – Sami Zayn
Elizabeth Marvel Tim Burton is an artist who has had a huge influence on me. I definitely share his sensibility. It’s a joyful approach to darkness. – Elizabeth Marvel
Ehud Barak Israel fits into the zeitgeist of our era. It is true that there are demographic threats to its existence. That is why a separation from the Palestinians is a compelling imperative. – Ehud Barak
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