John Connolly Writers are magpies by nature, always collecting shiny things, storing them away and looking for connections of things. – John Connolly Collecting Quotes Connections Quotes Magpies Quotes Nature Quotes Shiny Quotes Storing Quotes Writers Quotes There is a very conservative element of crime writers that don’t recognise what I do is crime fiction. What is good for you creatively is usually bad commercially. You thrive financially by sticking to a series and not fiddling about too much. You do yourself harm by moving away from the series and the genre. By trying things not based in that particular mode of writing, you will just lose readers.
Elizabeth Hardwick Nature should have been pleased to have made this age miserable, without making it also ridiculous. – Elizabeth Hardwick
David Faustino I had a huge crush on Alyssa Milano. But I don’t think it was reciprocated. – David Faustino
Sean Waltman I think, for me, I should have worked harder on my mic skills, and I should have been a lot easier to deal with, and I would have been pushed a lot better. – Sean Waltman
Sherrod Brown Workers organized and fought for worker rights and food safety, Social Security and Medicare – they fought to change government. And they won. – Sherrod Brown
Phil Neville One of the main things I said in my job interview was that I want to develop female coaches. – Phil Neville
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