Ken Hill Writing a song is much like being an author. Yes, we all have tools to write (everyone has a brain I hope!), but that doesn’t all of a sudden make us best selling authors. – Ken Hill Author Quotes Authors Quotes Brain Quotes Hope Quotes Selling Quotes Song Quotes Sudden Quotes Tools Quotes Write Quotes Writing Quotes Composers, like authors, have a lot in common. Our main goal is to connect with the listener emotionally. Minds are like flowers. If you let it sit there without soaking anything up, it will dry up.
Rick Stein A lot of my customers wouldnt go to a McDonalds but we are all after the same thing in this business: pleasing the customer. I dont know why people get so aerated about it. I like McDonalds. – Rick Stein
TimeVitalik Buterin The industrial revolution allowed us, for the first time, to start replacing human labour with machines. – Vitalik Buterin
Richard Harding Davis I wish I was not such a very bad hand at languages. That is one thing I cannot do, that and ride. – Richard Harding Davis
Eoin Morgan Different parts of Ireland have different alliances, because you have little pockets where counties are good at hurling, and different counties are good at football. – Eoin Morgan
MotivationalSwami Sivananda Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself. – Swami Sivananda
Minkah Fitzpatrick If you play certain positions, you just do the same thing every snap or you don’t get to move around. – Minkah Fitzpatrick
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