MusicTruman Capote Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself. – Truman Capote Born Quotes Fine Quotes Knowing Quotes Laws Quotes Learn Quotes Light Quotes Music Quotes Painting Quotes Perspective Quotes Rearrange Quotes Rules Quotes Shade Quotes Suit Quotes Writing Quotes Folk music takes us back to the roots of our culture. Spotify – I met those guys before they launched in America and was wildly excited about the idea. ‘Wow, this is all the music in the world, for a flat fee.’
Emily Mortimer I’m always sort of anticipating life being difficult, but on a basic level, that’s sort of on the surface, on a basic level, I’m optimistic in the sense that I think it’s all going to be alright in the end. – Emily Mortimer
Sheryl Lee If something scares me, then I have to do it. My biggest fear in life is fear. – Sheryl Lee
Ezekiel Emanuel As an academic, what do you have? You have the quality of your work and the integrity with which you do it. – Ezekiel Emanuel
Mary Schmich For some Chicago expats, food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation. – Mary Schmich
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