Geraldine Brooks Writing is like bricklaying; you put down one word after another. Sometimes the wall goes up straight and true and sometimes it doesn’t and you have to push it down and start again, but you don’t stop; it’s your trade. – Geraldine Brooks Bricklaying Quotes Push Quotes Start Quotes Straight Quotes Trade Quotes TRUE Quotes Wall Quotes Word Quotes Writing Quotes Even the classics that we read to our young children are full of wolves’ fangs and burning ovens and bloody feet and ice shards piercing hearts. Even the New Testament climaxes with an act of unspeakable torture. Might as well just read to our kids from the Amnesty Annual Report and be done with it. I’m a praying atheist. When I hear an ambulance siren, I ask for a blessing for those people in trouble, knowing that no one’s listening. I think it’s just a habit of mindfulness.
Andy Griffith The straight man has the best part. He gets to be in the show and see it, too. – Andy Griffith
Keenen Ivory Wayans We do nods to Charlie’s Angels and Mission Impossible because they are popular with our fan base. – Keenen Ivory Wayans
Martin SeligmanSad One of the things psychologists used to say was that if you are depressed, anxious or angry, you couldn’t be happy. Those were at opposite ends of a continuum. I believe that you can be suffering or have a mental illness and be happy – just not in the same moment that you’re sad. – Martin Seligman
Joan Blades When you become active in the system and communicate to your representatives, and they don’t vote in accordance with your values, your responsibility is to support candidates who will. – Joan Blades
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