David Letterman Yesterday Senator John Kerry changed his mind and now supports the ban on gay marriages. I’m telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton. – David Letterman Ban Quotes Changed Quotes Gay Quotes Guy Quotes Hilton Quotes John Quotes Kerry Quotes Marriages Quotes Mind Quotes Paris Quotes Positions Quotes Senator Quotes Supports Quotes Telling Quotes Yesterday Quotes New York now leads the world’s great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn’t make a sudden move.
Lincoln Diaz-Balart To finalize, the purpose of an election is to hear the will of the people, not to fabricate votes. – Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Andrew Solomon Sleep is my great indulgence, and I get eight hours every night. Being chronically overtired raises stress levels in a bad way and is responsible for a lot of depressive breaks. – Andrew Solomon
Davina McCall I was ambitious. I was happy to work six, seven days a week and give more than what was expected. – Davina McCall
Suzanne Collins When I got out of undergrad, I had a degree in theater and telecommunications. My first job, I was a news reporter for the local stories for NPR. Then I was a country-western DJ. I did data entry for a yearbook company. In my mid-20s I went back to grad school at NYU, and I specialized in playwriting. – Suzanne Collins
Pete Holmes A stand-up act is almost like a pool. You know what I mean? It’s like a pool, and you’re always skimming little leaves out of it, messing with the chlorine level, putting up umbrellas. You’re trying to make one little stagnant body of water perfect. Whereas a late-night show is like a river, always moving forward. – Pete Holmes
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