Christian Marclay You can get so many sounds out of one record. Every record can be used in some way. – Christian Marclay Record Quotes Sounds Quotes People who care about records are always giving me a hard time. I mean, I would destroy records in performances, and break them, and whatever I could do to them to create a sound that was something else than just the sound that was in the groove.
Jandy Nelson I do have a tendency to want to go back to school at all times in my life. Maybe I’ll do the Ph.D. in art history when I’m 50, or maybe divinity school. I like teaching, too. – Jandy Nelson
SadVanessa Carlton And it’s sad because it’s like a surprise to people – almost an anomaly – when artists are actually refined and trained on an instrument. That’s the last thing people think about. – Vanessa Carlton
Azim Premji The concept of the strong linkage to the family is breaking down in Western nations. – Azim Premji
Rainer Weiss This is the first real evidence that we’ve seen now of high gravitational field strengths: monstrous things like stars moving at the velocity of light, smashing into each other, and making the geometry of space-time turn into some sort of washing machine. – Rainer Weiss
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