Limmy You can get too involved with all the wee things in life, but the most important thing is you’re alive and well. – Limmy Alive Quotes Involved Quotes Life Quotes Wee Quotes I’ve got a sick sense of humour, a dark sense of humour. I do care about things and care about people but there’s another side to me. Going to the doctors – for me that was quite brave, taking that first step. That was a bit scary, saying that I wanted to go on anti-depressants.
Dean Karnazes To an extreme athlete, there’s a certain appeal to doing extreme things – seeking the most extreme physical challenges in some of the most extreme climates in the world. Testing and expanding the limits of human endurance is kind of my thing. – Dean Karnazes
Deborah Eisenberg I had no thought of being a writer. I never wanted to do anything. I’m tremendously lazy. – Deborah Eisenberg
Rachel House I felt that I had done years and years of theatre, and it had been a wonderful journey where I’d learned a lot, but I wasn’t as passionate about it as I once was. – Rachel House
Lucinda Williams I have such a great band. We had played all this material on the road. I just wanted to let it fly. – Lucinda Williams
EJ Johnson In high school, I listened to Lady Gaga and I was really obsessed with just being who you are and owning that experience – she was a really big inspiration in that aspect to me and my friends, who were young and growing up, and making our way through the city and the world. – EJ Johnson
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