ChangeDreamsKumail Nanjiani You can go slow. Allow your dreams and goals to change, but live an intentional life. – Kumail Nanjiani Change Quotes Dreams Quotes Goals Quotes Intentional Quotes Kumail Nanjiani Quotes Life Quotes Live Quotes Slow Quotes New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change. Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.
Katherine McNamara I’ve always been a huge proponent for education; I graduated high school at 14 years old and graduated college at 17 years old. – Katherine McNamara
Rajpal Yadav Every day is a beginning and learning day – there is no right age to begin learning. – Rajpal Yadav
Janet Mock Pretty’ is most often synonymous with being thin, white, able-bodied, and cis, and the closer you are to those ideals, the more often you will be labeled pretty – and benefit from that prettiness. – Janet Mock
Hilton Als One of the things that’s great about writing for a magazine is that every week you get to be a different person. You’re writing different things all the time and not slogging along for years on something. – Hilton Als
Matt Hughes When I’m a judge, I can only help the fighters that are right in front of me. – Matt Hughes
K Flay A good sign for me, that I’m a good spot mentally, is when I’m super prolific. And I just wake up every day excited to make or replicate music in some way. That’s really nice. – K Flay
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