Olivia Colman You can over-think things. If the script’s good, everything you need is in there. I just try and feel it and do it honestly. I also don’t learn things for auditions, because I feel like it’s just a test of memorising rather than being real. – Olivia Colman Auditions Quotes Feel Quotes Honestly Quotes Learn Quotes Memorising Quotes Overthink Quotes Real Quotes Scripts Quotes I am a perfectly normal woman. If what we do is storytelling and represent people that we see all day and every day, well, we do not see supermodels all day and every day. I always assumed I would leave drama school and do ‘Lady Macbeth’ and all sorts of serious things. It just didn’t happen.
Anthony Weiner All those predictions about how much economic growth will be created by this, all of those new jobs, would be created by the things we wanted – the extension of unemployment insurance and middle class tax cuts. An estate tax for millionaires adds exactly zero jobs. A tax cut for billionaires – virtually none. – Anthony Weiner
Feisal Abdul Rauf Jihad’ can mean holy war to extremists, but it means struggle to the average Muslim. – Feisal Abdul Rauf
Rumaan Alam In a strange way, Louise Erdrich is perhaps our least famous great American writer; she is not reclusive, but she is reticent, and her public appearances give the impression of a carefully controlled performance. But Erdrich has also shared many of her most intimate emotions and experiences, in some form, in her novels. – Rumaan Alam
Abhinav Shukla I am not an ambitious guy, I have a very laidback attitude; money for me is less important than self-respect and ideals. – Abhinav Shukla
Douglas Coupland There’s much to be said for feeling numb. Time passes more quickly. You eat less, and because numbness encourages laziness, you do fewer things, good or bad, and the world’s probably a better place for it. – Douglas Coupland
Aneurin Bevan Reading is not a duty, and has consequently no business to be made disagreeable. – Aneurin Bevan
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